Finished quilts

Monday, September 6, 2010

a break from quilting

Here's what I did today...
My 1st time installing snaps, but this is a pretty large bag so I felt like it needed something to help with the shape. 2 slip pockets and a zipper pocket (every girl needs a zipper pocket ;).

This one's for a friend that works with my husband, who's daughter is turning 18 in a couple of days. I really hope she likes it.
I hope your Labor Day was more relaxing than mine.
But I'm not complaining...marking another one off the list :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Another finish...

Ok, I wasn't going to blog about this one because it's so similar to my 1st quilt. The most obvious difference is, this one's a queen-size. It was made for a friend in Seattle. Actually, it's for his mom. I ultimately decided to go ahead and post because I am just amazed at the quilting. I sent this one to Wanda Jones, a long-armer in my quilt guild. She was able to turn my somewhat plain-jane quilt into a masterpiece.
I took a close-up of the quilting from the back side because it's a little easier to see. I have heard of Trapunto, but haven't seen too many in person. It's difficult to tell from a 2-dimensional picture, but see that large butterfly in the middle? Well, it actually has an extra layer of batting in it. And she did one in EACH of the plain blocks...well, they're not plain anymore!
I also wanted to take pics because this is my 1st pieced back.
I was afraid I didn't have enough of the backing fabric and I had bought all that they had, so I used the extra blocks I had and just pieced it. Very cool...if I do say so myself.
I finished the binding tonight, so now I just have to get it shipped. Yay! Mark one more off my (seemingly) never-ending list.